Set ‘Em Up, Barkeep!

  To celebrate the sons of one of our team members leading their team to a 2nd Place finish at the 2022 State Cross Country Championships we were tempted to yell, “Set ‘em up for all, barkeep!” for the thousands of adult attendees. However, more conservative thinkers suggested a more constructive approach: We should share…

What Are Backups Worth?

What are Backups Worth? Too often backups are set only to safeguard documents and other front-of-mind items while critical off stage files are neglected. Remember to backup TheFormTool folder, where your Answers, Master Lists, Folios, and Sets are stored. Oftentimes the Answer folder itself is worth more than its weight in bitcoins, with thousands of…

Our Most-Requested Feature is (Finally!) Here

The single most-requested feature over the years has been Conditional Questions, where the interview changes the questions it asks based on the answers already received. The simplest examples are status (corporation, LLC, partnership, proprietor), goal (diagnosis, merger, estate plan, loan), and location (jurisdiction, tax, climate), but there are literally thousands of others. The objective is…

The Fastest Training

The Fastest Training Our program downloads include several training aids suited for every learning style, and the Knowledge Base has hundreds more. A fair number of our customers read the one-page instructional Cheat Sheet for their program and are off to the races. Others rely on the 20-page summary or even go the distance by…

The lowest-hanging fruit

. The lowest-hanging fruit People often ask about our software’s most-used features. It’s an interesting and extensive list, but the top three are: Pronouns/Plurals — The average form has dozens of embedded pronouns and singular/plural decisions. These are high-error items that eat a ton of time for not much reward. That TheFormTool can manage them…