TheFormTool’s Complete Family of the Best Document Assembly & Automation Software in the World
Loved by paralegals, lawyers, and law firms!
Make your favorite forms intelligent.
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Five Reasons TheFormTool® programs are the best in the world
Ease of use All TheFormTool® programs are completely embedded in Microsoft Word for Windows®. No need to learn a new system or obey new rules and limitations. Whatever Word can do, TFT’s programs can do… faster, easier, automatically.
Power More than 120 features and functions, including all the major Math items.
Flexibility Most importantly, yhry work the way you want to work, not the way a program makes you. But also, purchase only what you need. If only one person needs it, buy just one. Of course, the pricing is so good you’ll want to favor the whole office.
Affordability TheFormTool® PRO has the strongest value-to-price ratio in the world. Period. At its retail price, it cannot be beat. Our retail customers call their purchase decisions “a no brainer.” You’re going to do even better.
Security TheFormTool programs don’t need “the cloud.” Never, ever. They don’t’t share your data or client information, contracts or settlement offers with anyone. That assures that you meet your security needs your way. No ethical challenges here!
You’ll notice that we fully describe our prices for every product we sell. You’ll find prices on this page and on each product page so that you can shop in confidence!
Links to more complete descriptions and pricing are below.
Each product page includes demonstration videos of the software in use.
Our Software Comparison page details the features and functions offered by the best document automation software in the world.
Learn More About
Document Assembly
Click video for an amazing 7 minute tour
Here are the 7 benefits
you can expect from
world-class document assembly
Eliminate errors
Leverage expertise
Improve performance
Increase satisfaction
Improve compliance
Increase earnings
Our customers report that 56% of the documents they create each month are repetitive, where much of the text is constant between uses but needs to be customized based on specific circumstances.
Putting these figures together, more than 25% of the average firm’s total labor expense is invested in the creation of repetitive documents.
That’s 12% of total costs that could be redirected to the bottom line or used to create more opportunities.
Reduce stress
Our programs work with any modern version of Word for Windows.
Unfortunately, Word for Mac does not support our programs without Parallels or similar VM tool.
Today our programs are in use in more than 200 industries and 80 countries. It is the best document automation software in the world.
Perhaps you’ll join us!
Learn More About
Our Software & Services
Are you most interested in:
Producing one form at a time at the lowest possible price?
Creating several forms at once, automatically drawing in external text and graphics?
Need to draw data directly from SQL, Access, Excel or Outlook Contacts?
Web-based remote data collection from clients or customers?
Comparing the features and functions of all our software?
Our software is the:
Easiest to use
You can be creating your first form in less than 10 minutes and grow as far as you like, as fast as you desire. No need for IT or expensive consultants.
Most powerful
Most flexible
Best value/price ratio
Most secure
What Our Customers Say
“This changes everything!”
Top Tens, A grades, and 5 star reviews
Click here for unedited reviews
Uses by Business Segment
Our catalog of the best document assembly and automation software in the world
The FREE Version
Yes, completely free forever
The free version of TheFormTool is a limited-feature version of our software that may answer some of your needs for creating very simple forms and automating documents. It will certainly give you a “feel” for the personality of our family of productivity tools.
This version requires no license or credit card and is a completely free lifetime offering.
Our programs work with any modern version of Word for Windows.
TheFormTool PRO
$89 for a lifetime license
TheFormTool PRO is for professionals who seek real efficiency and perfect accuracy in document-intensive environments.
10-minute learning curve
Reduces cost 70% or more
Eliminates document errors
Uses your documents
Perfect for single documents
No document too complex, or simple
No need for expensive or time-consuming professional installers or consultants
Excellent contract making software
Works within Word for Windows
Purchase, download, and be productive in less than ten minutes!
TheFormTool PRO version is available with a lifetime license.
Our programs work with any modern version of Word for Windows.
The results you’ll experience with Doxserá® are amazing!
Doxserá document assembly software is our most popular software. It is the answer for those who require all the brilliance of TheFormTool PRO, but with several additional incredibly powerful document automation features.
- Doxserá can simultaneously create multiple intelligent documents from the same data
- Doxserá enables a document to intelligently create itself from text and graphics stored elsewhere
Doxserá® eliminates errors and improves efficiency seven times or more over old-fashioned “cut and paste.” Subscribe, download, and be productive in less than ten minutes!
Doxserá® is available through an annual subscription and in a one-dollar one-month trial package.
Doxserá® incorporates all of TheFormTool PRO’s features and functions and adds to them powerful new abilities to complete multiple documents at the same time. It also empowers a document to essentially create itself from scratch using external text, tables and graphics.
With the same impressively short and easy learning curve as TheFormTool PRO, in just ten minutes you can be building sets of intelligent documents, reducing errors to zero, and increasing productivity by a factor of ten. Doxserá® is revolutionizing document automation the same way TheFormTool PRO changed document assembly.
Our programs work with any modern version of Word for Windows.
Doxserá DB®
Doxserá® DB has the power to move millions!
With Doxserá® DB, a user can customize one or a million documents, with one or a million variables each, for one or a million audiences, all with just a handful of clicks.
Doxserá® DB allows users to easily retrieve, analyze, and use unlimited amounts of disparate information stored in one or multiple external data sources, such as SQL databases and Excel spreadsheets.
Consider DB User for your team members who don’t need the power to author forms but want all the power to use them.
Doxserá DB is the most amazing thing to see in action and a delightfully empowering solution to experience.
Learn more about this newest version of the easiest to use and most powerful document automation software in the world®
Our programs work with any modern version of Word for Windows.
DB User offers all of the user features contained in our most powerful programs, while preventing accidental authoring and unnecessary expense. With DB User in your toolkit, you can deploy the exact mix of tools that best fits your needs, saving expense where that makes sense.
DB User will run any intelligent form created with any of our programs as well as our Aurora webData™ data collection system.
A typical mid-size firm can easily save 40% by mixing a ratio of DB User licenses with Doxserá DB for form authors.
Our programs work with any modern version of Word for Windows.
Aurora webData™
Remote data collection
Secure data storage
$795 for the Office Admin
Aurora integrates powerful web-enabled data capture and a secure dedicated database with the category-defining document assembly and automation capabilities of our revolutionary software. The result is an evolutionary leap in the ability of organizations of every size to define, collect, store, access, utilize and maximize high-value data — quickly, easily and affordably.
(2 minutes)