It was in January 2021, 18 months ago, that we first forecast massive inflation was coming our way created by runaway use of federal printing presses flooding the world with new paper dollars. Whether it is called “quantitative easing”or “printing money”, we predicted sudden and massive devaluing of the currency. In other words, inflation.
Historic Fed Funds Rate
The current episode is worse, substantially worse, and it will continue to deteriorate because we are only at the beginning of digesting the 35%—and still growing!—increase in money supply.Imagine the effect of even the earlier 20% interest rates in an era when outstanding federal debt is $30 trillion, more than 30 times what it was in 1980. The resulting six trillion dollars of annual interest payments will nearly triple the total current federal budget, much of which is already borrowed.It is uncertain whether the administration has the will or the Federal Reserve has the tools to ever solve the problem on this scale.
For ourselves and our customers, TheFormTool PRO will remain at its original introductory price—a lifetime license for just $89—for it’s tenth year.
See also: Something Evil This Way Comes