Word’s Intimidating Complexity
Word’s greatest assets are its numerous features and immense potential. At the same time, they’re also its biggest drawbacks. Average users are barely aware of the far reaches of this expansive word processing capacity, never mind fluent in their workings. Mastering styles, for example, takes a substantial amount of time and effort. Even seemingly simple exercises like adding images can sometimes cause headaches. Indeed, the graphics capabilities in general are nowhere near up to the standards of today’s professional users, which makes Word an inferior choice for companies desiring slick brochures or more attractive image infused materials.
Additionally, Word’s endless stream of functions and features creates a confusing interface for many users. In comparison with other, simpler word processors, Microsoft’s comprehensive software can be difficult to navigate and tricky to understand or use. Searching for required actions or answers to queries can also be a challenge. For those needing section or paragraph numbering, we recommend our own Snapnumbers as a much more user-friendly solution than Word’s feature.