It’s hard to relate to Dox DB on two very different levels. It was tempting to headline this post as “Doxserá DB is complete!” On the one hand, it is. On the other, though, it will never be complete but always improving. We already have a full year’s worth of improvements and enhancements laid out by priority and it is an impressive list, the first of which should be rolled out within a month or six weeks.
The other difficulty in the relating area is relating to DB’s inception almost three years ago. It seems that from the very beginning, from the launch of TheFormTool PRO, there was always going to be a DB, or at least a tool with DB’s major advantage, the ability to connect to databases and spreadsheets.
It’s great to see the “finished” product; almost magic in the way it makes the previously impossible look so very easy. Just the way the selection of the data source, whether Excel, Access, or SQL, requires only a single click in the Source window, makes the 1,000 lines of code supporting the feature seem invisible to the user. Magic.
We hope you enjoy this third leg of our product triad, what we currently intend to be the ultimate product in our line of add-ins for Word for Windows. Between the three programs, PRO, DOX, and DB, there’s something for everyone.