Taking you “from the basics to rocket science” and beyond
We’re excited to announce the launch of The Learning Curve™ video course, an online training tutorial covering all aspects of its software. The course is organized into scores of subject-specific videos assembled into levels of sophistication and subject matter into easily assimilated lessons.
The videos average less than ten minutes each and the course is completely free to all owners.
Inquisitive owners can browse through the seven increasingly advanced “grade levels” of material looking for subjects that appeal. They can use search tools to find keywords describing lessons or subjects of special interest. Or, they can “take the course” by starting at the beginning and proceeding through the lessons and levels to the end, or to wherever their need to learn is satisfied.
TheFormTool PRO and Doxserá are unique in that they don’t require complete mastery in order to benefit from their use. Enormous value can be achieved at every level of experience, even as little as ten minutes.
So dig in now. Be the first among your colleagues to know all that there is to know…
or at least as much of it as you’d like to learn and use!
Drop into The Learning Curve in the Service Center today at https://service.theformtool.com/categories/20079185-The-Learning-Curve