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In Finance, there is no margin for error. With huge volumes of data to deal with, many firms and businesses of all sizes are investing in programs to eliminate errors completely. Intelligent documents can be created to extract, filter, and communicate financial data quickly and efficiently. This saves significant time in the creation of loan complex agreements, mortgages, portfolio bids, mortgages and insurance proposals. Choose from the selection below for resources:

Useful Articles

Using Document Automation in the Finance Industry

This is the slide show version of our white paper presentation, available below. While there are promising signs of markets returning to positive growth, the scars left by this crisis have meant that businesses are more rigorous with their expenses. Every cent needs to be carefully monitored and for the finance industry this has resulted in more administration procedures to monitor and regulate cash flows. While the necessity for these new processes is obvious, the time it takes to implement them can take its toll on employees and company productivity. So with this in mind, here are four ways to reduce your admin time and create greater efficiencies within your team.


Cover of the handout "A Billion Here"

A Billion… Here and Here

This paper describes using technology to reduce errors to near-zero, to eliminate the need for manual “proofing,” where the most expensive labor in the firm wastes bodacious amounts of time on “Easter egg” hunts through documents trying to find the individual variables that might be incorrect. A theory: the more intelligent the proofer, the worse the job.


Four Ways to Save Admin Costs in the Finance Industry

While there are promising signs of markets returning to positive growth, the scars left by this crisis have meant that businesses are more rigorous with their expenses. Every cent needs to be carefully monitored and for the finance industry this has resulted in more administration procedures to monitor and regulate cash flows. While the necessity for these new processes is obvious, the time it takes to implement them can take its toll on employees and company productivity. So with this in mind, here are four ways to reduce your admin time and create greater efficiencies within your team.


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